What we do

Kahani Badle

"Do not change for revenge. Change for revolution."

We believe every person has that one gift. Everyone has extraordinary skills and talents just waiting to be realized.

Impact we made

Hands for Hunger

In the year 2020 and 2021 we witnessed the great global pandemic of Covid – 19 virus and as the outcome of which anxiety, poverty, hunger, deaths, fears and much more came along. We decided to be a hope. When the nation was fighting against the Covid enemy, we fought a fight with hunger. We believe we don’t just want to distribute food but we want to spread a positive message for everyone suffering through anxiety and fear because this is unreal. We believe we can join hands and bring forth a change in unity. I remember the goose bumps we experienced as we can sync clapped for the doctor? We believe we’re restoring lives and hope. While we believe in the thought of spreading a message, we believe we want to be hope for poor people for food and supplies.

New Vessels

Once mother Teresa said, “We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” With this statement in mind the team of Born Again Welfare Foundation decided to celebrate new year with the underprivileged deprived people from Kev, Palghar, Maharashtra.

We executed a 3 days program “NEW VESSELS” for 170 + people from surrounding villages mindfully designed and planned to give a lifetime learning experience for all age groups with
the motive of mentoring them along with fun activities.

Wings to Dreams 2018

We received many testimonies for our project Wings to Dreams 2015 which we conducted in Talsangi, Solapur, Maharashtra. The school attendance was remarkably improved.
It came in our observation that similar conditions were found in the Kev village of Palghar as well. There was need to conduct Wings to Dreams so that the children from the tribal region may gain interest in education. Thus, we conducted Wings to Dreams in the year 2018 in the tribal regions of Palghar, Maharashtra.

Wings to Dreams 2015

Talsangi – a village you may have not heard about is located in a very remote part of Solapur district of Maharashtra. In the year 2015 Born Again Welfare Foundation was invited by 2 Jilha Parishad Schools to support its children for their education and we decided to to visit them an see what best we can do about it. We were told that after the British rule no NGO has ever visited that village for help.
In our survey we analysed that the attendance of the schools is very low and children have very less in attending the schools. So BAWF with the help of its loyal donors took the initiative of executing Wings to Dreams there.


A registered non-profit NGO based out in Mumbai, India.


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